20. 10. 2020

The validity of driving licenses is extended until 31.3.2021

The Ministry of Transport has agreed with the Ministry of the Interior on the tolerance of invalid driving licenses in an emergency situation in the Czech Republic. People with a forfeited ID can continue to drive, the document is considered valid and there is no risk of any fines. In addition, the Ministry is proposing to extend the validity of driving licenses until 31 March 2021.

‘Provided that the period of validity of the documents (driving license; driver’s professional license) has expired during the state of emergency, these documents shall be regarded as valid, resp. Holders of these documents will not be punished in misdemeanor proceedings for the performance of activities carried out with a document which has expired during the state of emergency, “says the methodological opinion of the Ministry of Transport, which today received

The measure is currently valid for a period of emergency and only in the Czech Republic. The Ministry of Transport is negotiating with the European Commission on a proposal to extend the validity of expired driving licenses until 31 March 2021.
Authorities should make more use of reservation systems
Last week, the Ministry of the Interior addressed all 206 municipalities with extended powers and regional authorities, reminding them that they do not have to limit office hours if limiting the scope of office hours would jeopardize the body’s activities or disproportionately restrict public rights.

It is up to the individual authorities to take measures, such as the use of reservation systems, so that queues are not formed and hygiene conditions are observed, in particular the gaps associated with preventive measures to combat the epidemic.
Information on exchanging driving licenses
If your driver’s license has expired, you do not need to change it for trips around the Czech Republic.
If you need a new document, please use the reservation systems of the authorities.
You can apply for a driver’s license up to 3 months in advance.
You can apply for a driver’s license at any ORP, their map can be found on the website of the Ministry of Transport.
Citizens can be informed about the end of the document’s validity via the Citizen’s Portal.
You must bring a valid ID and an existing driver’s license for the exchange. When submitting the application, the applicant no longer submits a paper photograph, officials will take a digital one on the spot, or download the current one from the registers kept by the Ministry of the Interior.
If the driver requests the issuance of a document within 5 working days, the exchange will cost him 700 crowns. The standard exchange is a free exchange; the legal deadline is up to 20 days, usually within 14 days the document is produced.