24. 7. 2023

Talking on the phone while driving in some EU Member states

Slovakia – fine up to €150 for using your mobile phone while driving; in administrative proceedings up to €300. Using a phone while driving is now considered a serious offence, just like drink-driving or exceeding speed limit by 50 km/h or more in a municipality.
Hungary – a fine for talking on the phone while driving is €950-1850.
Austria – no talking on the phone while driving. Using the phone while driving is prohibited, even if you have hands-free or other built-in devices. The only exception is an approved device fitted by the manufacturer or a specialist company. Special hands-free headsets supplied with the phone are permitted. Calling is also allowed while waiting, when the vehicle is stationary in a traffic jam or at a red light. The fine for a violation is €50 – €72, but if you are found to have made a mistake while driving or caused an accident because of a call, you could face a penalty of up to €2,180.
Germany – It is forbidden to handle a phone, tablet, book reader or similar device in any way while driving. The fine for tampering is €100, in serious cases up to €200 + 2 points and a one month driving ban.
Poland – a fine for using your mobile phone while driving starts at €55.
Croatia – a fine of 500 kuna for talking on the phone while driving without hands-free.
Italy – calls are only allowed through a hands-free kit. A fine for talking on the phone while driving equals €32.80 – €131.20.
The Netherlands and UK – a fine for using a mobile phone while driving is around €200.
France – don’t you even think about your phone while driving. You can be fined up to CZK 3,500 just for talking on your mobile phone in a car when you’re standing by the side of the road. You must park at a parking place first and only then you can pick up your mobile phone.
Spain – absolute ban on talking on the phone while driving. The fine is over €500, and in the event of a phone-related accident you will lose your license.